1 Membaca Data Seismik¶
dapat membaca berbagai jenis format data ataupun metadata, untuk membaca data kita dapat menggunakan fungsi read
from obspy import read
3 Trace(s) in Stream: IA.ASJR.00.HNZ | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples IA.ASJR.00.HNN | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples IA.ASJR.00.HNE | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples
2 Manajemen Metadata Stasiun¶
Selain membaca data seismik dalam berbagai format, obspy
juga memiliki fitur untuk membaca dan manajemen metadata stasiun dalam berbagai format. Dalam kasus ini kita akan membaca StationXML sebagai informasi metadata instrumen dan stasiun dan memanfaatkan obspy
untuk mengeksplorasi metadata tersebut. Struktur objek Inventory
dalam obspy
2.1 Membaca StationXML¶
StationXML dapat dibaca menggunakan fungsi read_inventory
karena dalam obspy
metadata stasiun diwakili dalam object Inventory
, fungsi ini dapat membaca berbagai format (CSS, KML, SACPZ, SHAPEFILE, STATIONTXT, STATIONXML):
from obspy import read_inventory
meta = read_inventory("/content/drive/MyDrive/BMKG_Akselerometer/event-sundastrait-20210321/Dataless/ASJR_manopduatiga_PGN_Seismotek_Inventory_IA.xml")
Inventory created at 2023-07-31T02:07:22.664029Z Sending institution: scxml import (ObsPy Inventory) Contains: Networks (1): IA Stations (1): IA.ASJR (REIS Anyer) Channels (3): IA.ASJR.00.HNZ, IA.ASJR.00.HNN, IA.ASJR.00.HNE
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/obspy/io/seiscomp/inventory.py:427: UserWarning: Sensor is missing elevation information, using 0.0 warnings.warn(msg)
Karena file StationXML di atas hanya mewakili 1 stasiun saja maka pada Stations
hanya tertulis 1 stasiun saja yaitu REIS Anyer (ASJR). Dalam informasi di atas juga memuat informasi lain seperti waktu pembuatan, jaringan, dan channel.
2.2 Mengakses informasi dalam Inventory
Informasi dalam Inventory
atau metadata dapat diakses menggunakan indeks seperti yang dilakukan pada data Stream
. Sebagai contoh jika akan mengakses jaringan pertama maka dapat menggunakan indeks 0:
Network IA (BMG-Net, Indonesia (IA-Net)) Station Count: None/None (Selected/Total) 1980-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - -- Access: open Contains: Stations (1): IA.ASJR (REIS Anyer) Channels (3): IA.ASJR.00.HNZ, IA.ASJR.00.HNN, IA.ASJR.00.HNE
Demikian pula jika ingin mengakses informasi stasiun pertama pada jaringan pertama maka indeks dapat bertingkat:
Station ASJR (REIS Anyer) Station Code: ASJR Channel Count: None/None (Selected/Total) 2018-01-02T00:00:00.000000Z - Access: closed Latitude: -6.06, Longitude: 105.92, Elevation: 0.0 m Available Channels: ASJR.00.HNZ, ASJR.00.HNN, ASJR.00.HNE
Termasuk mengakses informasi sampai level channel, sebagai contoh disini akan mengambil informasi dari channel ke 2:
Channel 'HNN', Location '00' Time range: 2018-01-02T00:00:00.000000Z - -- Latitude: -6.06, Longitude: 105.92, Elevation: 0.0 m, Local Depth: 0.0 m Azimuth: 0.00 degrees from north, clockwise Dip: 0.00 degrees down from horizontal Sampling Rate: 100.00 Hz Sensor (Description): SM (GFZ:IA1980:G210S/g=0) Response information available
Setelah sampai pada tahap ini kita juga masih bisa mengakses sampai informasi yang mendetail, misalkan mengambil nama sensor:
Equipment: Type: SM Description: GFZ:IA1980:G210S/g=0 Manufacturer: Meisei Vendor: None Model: G210S Serial number: None Installation date: None Removal date: None Resource id: Sensor/20181102134034.587314.41 Calibration Dates:
2.3 Mengakses Informasi Respon Instrumen¶
Seperti pada 2.2 kita bisa mengambil informasi respon instrumen dengan key
seperti contoh di bawah:
Termasuk untuk mengeplot respon instrumen:
response.plot(min_freq=1, output="ACC")
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
2.4 Menyimpan Metadata dalam File¶
Selain membaca metadata, obspy
juga memfasilitasi penyimpanan metadata dalam bentuk file dengan Inventory.write
dalam berbagai format (CSS, KML, SACPZ, SHAPEFILE, STATIONTXT, STATIONXML), misalkan kita akan menyimpan dalam format SAC Pole and Zero:
meta.write('/content/drive/MyDrive/BMKG_Akselerometer/metadata_baru.pz', format='SACPZ')
Akan muncul file dengan nama metadata_baru.pz
dalam file explorer yang bisa dibuka.
3 Melakukan Koreksi Instrumen¶
Dengan menggunakan metadata stasiun maka kita dapat melakukan koreksi instrumen (dekonvolusi respon instrumen) pada data seismik untuk mendapatkan gerakan tanah sesungguhnya (true ground motion). Proses koreksi instrumen dapat dilakukan dengan bantuan remove_response
dari Stream
3.1 Mendapatkan akselerasi tanah¶
Akselerasi dapat dipilih dengan memilih ACC
pada opsi output
st_acc = st.copy()
st_acc.remove_response(inventory=meta, output='ACC', plot=True)
3 Trace(s) in Stream: IA.ASJR.00.HNZ | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples IA.ASJR.00.HNN | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples IA.ASJR.00.HNE | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples
Dari hasil di atas terdapat 6 plot, 3 plot dalam domain frekuensi dan 3 plot di kolom sebelahnya dalam domain waktu yang masing-masing mewakili: data mentah (raw), data prapemrosesan (dalam proses diatas tidak dilakukan/None
), dan data hasil koreksi (response removed
). Pada proses di atas bentuk spektrum bisa terlihat sedikit perbedaan dalam nilai amplitudo ataupun bentuk spektrum (biru) misal di rentang frekuensi rendah. Dari segi bentuk gelombang tidak terlalu terlihat perbedaan tetapi dari nilai amplitudo sudah jauh berbeda.
3.2 Mendapatkan kecepatan tanah¶
Sama seperti proses pada akselerasi, kita hanya perlu mengganti parameter output
menjadi VEL
st_vel = st.copy()
st_vel.remove_response(inventory=meta, output='VEL', plot=True)
3 Trace(s) in Stream: IA.ASJR.00.HNZ | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples IA.ASJR.00.HNN | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples IA.ASJR.00.HNE | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples
3.2 Mendapatkan simpangan (displacement) tanah¶
st_disp = st.copy()
st_disp.remove_response(inventory=meta, output='DISP', plot=True)
3 Trace(s) in Stream: IA.ASJR.00.HNZ | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples IA.ASJR.00.HNN | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples IA.ASJR.00.HNE | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples
3.4 Koreksi instrumen lebih lanjut¶
Tiga proses koreksi instrumen di atas menggunakan parameter yang sudah default, kita dapat melihat parameter apa saja yang dapat dimasukkan dalam proses koreksi instrumen dengan:
Help on method remove_response in module obspy.core.trace: remove_response(inventory=None, output='VEL', water_level=60, pre_filt=None, zero_mean=True, taper=True, taper_fraction=0.05, plot=False, fig=None, **kwargs) method of obspy.core.trace.Trace instance Deconvolve instrument response. Uses the adequate :class:`obspy.core.inventory.response.Response` from the provided :class:`obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory` data. Raises an exception if the response is not present. Note that there are two ways to prevent overamplification while convolving the inverted instrument spectrum: One possibility is to specify a water level which represents a clipping of the inverse spectrum and limits amplification to a certain maximum cut-off value (`water_level` in dB). The other possibility is to taper the waveform data in the frequency domain prior to multiplying with the inverse spectrum, i.e. perform a pre-filtering in the frequency domain (specifying the four corner frequencies of the frequency taper as a tuple in `pre_filt`). .. note:: Any additional kwargs will be passed on to :meth:`obspy.core.inventory.response.Response.get_evalresp_response`, see documentation of that method for further customization (e.g. start/stop stage and hiding overall sensitivity mismatch warning). .. note:: Using :meth:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace.remove_response` is equivalent to using :meth:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace.simulate` with the identical response provided as a (dataless) SEED or RESP file and when using the same `water_level` and `pre_filt` (and options `sacsim=True` and `pitsasim=False` which influence very minor details in detrending and tapering). .. rubric:: Example >>> from obspy import read, read_inventory >>> st = read() >>> tr = st[0].copy() >>> inv = read_inventory() >>> tr.remove_response(inventory=inv) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <...Trace object at 0x...> >>> tr.plot() # doctest: +SKIP .. plot:: from obspy import read, read_inventory st = read() tr = st[0] inv = read_inventory() tr.remove_response(inventory=inv) tr.plot() Using the `plot` option it is possible to visualize the individual steps during response removal in the frequency domain to check the chosen `pre_filt` and `water_level` options to stabilize the deconvolution of the inverted instrument response spectrum: >>> from obspy import read, read_inventory >>> st = read("/path/to/IU_ULN_00_LH1_2015-07-18T02.mseed") >>> tr = st[0] >>> inv = read_inventory("/path/to/IU_ULN_00_LH1.xml") >>> pre_filt = [0.001, 0.005, 45, 50] >>> tr.remove_response(inventory=inv, pre_filt=pre_filt, output="DISP", ... water_level=60, plot=True) # doctest: +SKIP <...Trace object at 0x...> .. plot:: from obspy import read, read_inventory st = read("/path/to/IU_ULN_00_LH1_2015-07-18T02.mseed", "MSEED") tr = st[0] inv = read_inventory("/path/to/IU_ULN_00_LH1.xml", "STATIONXML") pre_filt = [0.001, 0.005, 45, 50] output = "DISP" tr.remove_response(inventory=inv, pre_filt=pre_filt, output=output, water_level=60, plot=True) :type inventory: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory` or None. :param inventory: Station metadata to use in search for adequate response. If inventory parameter is not supplied, the response has to be attached to the trace with :meth:`obspy.core.trace.Trace.attach_response` beforehand. :type output: str :param output: Output units. One of: ``"DISP"`` displacement, output unit is meters ``"VEL"`` velocity, output unit is meters/second ``"ACC"`` acceleration, output unit is meters/second**2 ``"DEF"`` default units, the response is calculated in output units/input units (last stage/first stage). Useful if the units for a particular type of sensor (e.g., a pressure sensor) cannot be converted to displacement, velocity or acceleration. :type water_level: float :param water_level: Water level for deconvolution. :type pre_filt: list or tuple(float, float, float, float) :param pre_filt: Apply a bandpass filter in frequency domain to the data before deconvolution. The list or tuple defines the four corner frequencies `(f1, f2, f3, f4)` of a cosine taper which is one between `f2` and `f3` and tapers to zero for `f1 < f < f2` and `f3 < f < f4`. :type zero_mean: bool :param zero_mean: If `True`, the mean of the waveform data is subtracted in time domain prior to deconvolution. :type taper: bool :param taper: If `True`, a cosine taper is applied to the waveform data in time domain prior to deconvolution. :type taper_fraction: float :param taper_fraction: Taper fraction of cosine taper to use. :type plot: bool or str :param plot: If `True`, brings up a plot that illustrates how the data are processed in the frequency domain in three steps. First by `pre_filt` frequency domain tapering, then by inverting the instrument response spectrum with or without `water_level` and finally showing data with inverted instrument response multiplied on it in frequency domain. It also shows the comparison of raw/corrected data in time domain. If a `str` is provided then the plot is saved to file (filename must have a valid image suffix recognizable by matplotlib e.g. '.png').
Dari petunjuk di atas ada beberapa parameter yang dapat digunakan beserta nilai default: output='VEL'
, pre_filt=None
, zero_mean=True
, taper=True
, taper_fraction=0.05
4 Simulasi Gerakan Tanah¶
Jika proses pada (3) merupakan koreksi instrumen yang sebenarnya adalah dekonnvolusi respon instrumen dari data rekaman untuk mendapatkan gerakan tanah sesungguhnya, maka simulasi adalah proses sebaliknya dimana kita dapat mengonvolusi data gerakan tanah dengan instrumen tertentu. Dengan proses ini kita dapat mensimulasikan bagaimana bentuk rekaman atau gerakan tanah jika direkam di instrumen yang berbeda. Sebagai contoh kita akan di bawah kita akan membalik operasi koreksi instrumen dan mensimulasikan apabila gerakan tanah direkam di instrumen broadband Guralp CMG-6T, 1s-100Hz, 2000 V/m/s dengan datalogger DM-24 Mk3 Fixed Gain, gain 1, 1000 sps, tap id 1, (1000 500 250 125 25 and 5 Hz).
4.1 Melakukan simulasi¶
Kita akan membalik proses koreksi instrumen yang sebelumnya dilakukan, kali ini data yang sudah dalam bentuk percepatan st_acc
akan disimulasikan apabila direkam di stasiun ASJR ke dalam count lagi. Sebelumnya kita konversi respon instrumen dalam bentuk objek Response
menjadi objek PAZ yang dikenali fungsi untuk simulasi (simulate
). Sayangnya sepertinya belum ada fungsi otomatis untuk ini jadi kita harus melakukan semi manual:
respon_stasiun_ASJR = meta[0][0][0].response.get_paz().__dict__
{'_normalization_frequency': 1.0, '_poles': [(-914.825+0j), (-6904.65+0j), (-3900.17+0j), (-67481.5+0j), (-7098.57+0j), (-98870.4+0j), (-3770.74+0j)], '_pz_transfer_function_type': 'LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECOND)', '_zeros': [(-628.319+0j), (-12566.4+0j), (-62831.9+0j)], 'decimation_correction': None, 'decimation_delay': None, 'decimation_factor': None, 'decimation_input_sample_rate': None, 'decimation_offset': None, 'description': None, 'input_units': 'M/S**2', 'input_units_description': None, 'name': 'GFZ:IA1980:G210S/g=0', 'normalization_factor': 8868340000000000.0, 'output_units': 'V', 'output_units_description': None, 'resource_id': None, 'resource_id2': 'ResponsePAZ/20181102134034.587367.42', 'stage_gain': 0.193877551, 'stage_gain_frequency': 1.0, 'stage_sequence_number': 1}
Untuk keperluan simulasi dibutuhkan poles
, zeros
, gain
(A0 normalization factor), dan sensitivity
(overall) sehingga perlu kita sesuaikan:
respon_stasiun_ASJR_formatted = dict()
respon_stasiun_ASJR_formatted['poles'] = respon_stasiun_ASJR['_poles']
respon_stasiun_ASJR_formatted['zeros'] = respon_stasiun_ASJR['_zeros']
respon_stasiun_ASJR_formatted['gain'] = respon_stasiun_ASJR['normalization_factor']
respon_stasiun_ASJR_formatted['sensitivity'] = meta[0][0][0].response.instrument_sensitivity.value #overall sensitivity
{'gain': 8868340000000000.0, 'poles': [(-914.825+0j), (-6904.65+0j), (-3900.17+0j), (-67481.5+0j), (-7098.57+0j), (-98870.4+0j), (-3770.74+0j)], 'sensitivity': 279620.2663, 'zeros': [(-628.319+0j), (-12566.4+0j), (-62831.9+0j)]}
Selanjutnya kita simulasikan st_acc
st_acc_ASJR = st_acc.copy()
Kemudian kita bisa bandingkan dengan data asli dalam count (st
), dalam plot akan digunakan matplotlib:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax.plot(st_acc_ASJR[0].times(), st_acc_ASJR[0].data, color="blue", alpha=1, linewidth=.5, label="Hasil simulasi")
ax2.plot(st[0].times(), st[0].data, color="green", alpha=1, linewidth=1, label="Rekaman asli")
ax2.set_xlabel("Waktu [s]")
fig.legend(loc='upper center')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f35746ca090>
Apabila kita jadikan 1 plot dan zoom pada waktu 1020-1040 misalkan:
ax.plot(st_acc_ASJR[0].times(), st_acc_ASJR[0].data, color="green", alpha=1, linewidth=1, label="Hasil simulasi")
ax.plot(st[0].times(), st[0].data, color="red", alpha=1, linewidth=1, label="Rekaman asli", linestyle="--")
ax.set_xlabel("Waktu [s]")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f357220fb90>
Lebih detail lagi:
ax.plot(st_acc_ASJR[0].times(), st_acc_ASJR[0].data, color="green", alpha=1, linewidth=2, label="Hasil simulasi")
ax.plot(st[0].times(), st[0].data, color="red", alpha=1, linewidth=2, label="Rekaman asli", linestyle="--")
ax.set_xlabel("Waktu [s]")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f3571f88590>
4.2 Mengambil respon instrumen dari IRIS Nominal Response Logger melalui obspy
Dalam kasus simulasi pada instrumen lain obspy
memberi jembatan untuk mendapatkan respon instrumen tertentu dari IRIS NRL:
from obspy.clients.nrl import NRL
nrl = NRL()
<ipython-input-3-a98dceb481d9>:2: ObsPyDeprecationWarning: DEPRECATED Direct access to online NRL is deprecated as it will stop working when the original NRLv1 gets taken offline (Spring 2023), please consider working locally with a downloaded full copy of the old NRLv1 or new NRLv2 following instructions on the `NRL landing page <https://ds.iris.edu/ds/nrl/>`_. nrl = NRL()
NRL library at https://ds.iris.edu/NRL Sensors: 42 manufacturers 'ASIR', 'CEA-DASE', 'CME (now R-Sensors)', 'Chaparral Physics', 'DTCC (manuafacturers of SmartSolo)', 'EQMet', 'Eentec', 'GEObit' 'GEOsig', 'GaiaCode', 'Gem', 'Generic', 'Geo Space/OYO', 'Geodevice', 'Geotech', 'Guralp', 'HGS Products', 'High Tech', 'Hyperion', 'IESE', 'Johnson Infrasound', 'Kinemetrics', 'LaHusen' 'Lennartz', 'Lunitek', 'Magseis Fairfield', 'Metrozet', 'Nanometrics', 'R-Sensors (previously listed as CME', 'REF TEK', 'RTClark', 'SARA', 'Seismo Wave', 'SensorNederland', 'Sercel/Mark Products', 'Silicon Audio', 'SolGeo', 'Sprengnether (now Eentec)', 'Streckeisen', 'Sunfull', 'TDG', 'iTem' Dataloggers: 30 manufacturers 'Agecodagis', 'CNSN', 'DAQ Systems (NetDAS)', 'DTCC (manufacturers of SmartSolo', 'DiGOS/Omnirecs', 'EQMet', 'Earth Data', 'Eentec', 'GEObit', 'Gem', 'Generic', 'GeoSIG', 'Geodevice', 'Geotech', 'Guralp', 'Kinemetrics', 'Lunitek', 'Magseis Fairfield', 'Nanometrics', 'Quanterra', 'R-Sensors', 'REF TEK', 'SARA', 'STANEO', 'Seismic Source', 'SeismologyResearchCentre', 'Sercel', 'SolGeo', 'TDG', 'WorldSensing'
Untuk sensor Guralp:
Select the Guralp sensor model (14 items): 'CMG-1T', 'CMG-3ESP', 'CMG-3ESPC', 'CMG-3T', 'CMG-3T/5T Hybrid', 'CMG-3TB (borehole)', 'CMG-3v', 'CMG-40T', 'CMG-5', 'CMG-5TC', 'CMG-6T', 'CMG-6TF', 'CMG-EDU-T', 'Fortis'
Seri CMG-6T:
Select the natural period (or passband) for this sensor (7 items): '10s - 100Hz', '1s - 100Hz', '2s - 100Hz', '30s - 100Hz', '40s - 100Hz', '5s - 100Hz', '60s - 100Hz'
Misalkan untuk 1s-100 Hz:
nrl.sensors['Guralp']['CMG-6T']['1s - 100Hz']['2000']
('CMG-6T, 1s-100Hz, 2000 V/m/s', 'https://ds.iris.edu/NRL/sensors/guralp/RESP.XX.NS070..SHZ.CMG6T.1_100.2000', 'RESP')
Sensitivitas 2000 V/m/s:
response_cmg6t=nrl.sensors['Guralp']['CMG-6T']['1s - 100Hz']['2000']
('CMG-6T, 1s-100Hz, 2000 V/m/s', 'https://ds.iris.edu/NRL/sensors/guralp/RESP.XX.NS070..SHZ.CMG6T.1_100.2000', 'RESP')
Respon untuk datalogger digunakan Guralp DM-24 Mk3 Fixed Gain, gain 1, 1000 sps, tap id 1, (1000 500 250 125 25 and 5 Hz):
('DM-24 Mk3 Fixed Gain, gain 1, 1000 sps, tap id 1, (1000 500 250 125 25 and 5 Hz)', 'http://ds.iris.edu/NRL/dataloggers/guralp/CMG_DM24/mk3/fixed/RESP.XX.G0143..HHZ.CMG_DM24_MK3_FIX.1..1000')
4.2 Membuat objek Response
dari respon instrumen sensor dan datalogger¶
Setelah kita mendapatkan informasi respon sensor dan datalogger maka kita dapat membuat objek Response
yang akan digunakan untuk melakukan simulasi, objek ini mirip seperti metadata Inventory
hanya pada Response
informasi hanya memuat respon instrumen (Response
merupakan bagian dari Inventory
respon_instrumen = nrl.get_response(
sensor_keys=['Guralp','CMG-6T','1s - 100Hz','2000'],
Channel Response From M/S (Velocity in Meters per Second) to COUNTS (Digital Counts) Overall Sensitivity: 6.24981e+08 defined at 5.000 Hz 9 stages: Stage 1: PolesZerosResponseStage from M/S to V, gain: 2000 Stage 2: ResponseStage from V to V, gain: 1 Stage 3: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from V to COUNTS, gain: 312500 Stage 4: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from COUNTS to COUNTS, gain: 1 Stage 5: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from COUNTS to COUNTS, gain: 1 Stage 6: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from COUNTS to COUNTS, gain: 1 Stage 7: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from COUNTS to COUNTS, gain: 1 Stage 8: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from COUNTS to COUNTS, gain: 1 Stage 9: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from COUNTS to COUNTS, gain: 1
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
4.3 Melakukan simulasi¶
Pada obspy
masih belum ada fungsi untuk konversi Response
menjadi dictionary PAZ yang dibutuhkan pada fungsi simulate
sehingga kita harus konversi sedikit manual:
{'_normalization_frequency': 5.0, '_poles': [(-4.4422+4.4422j), (-4.4422-4.4422j), (-391.96+850.69j), (-391.96-850.69j), (-471.24+0j), (-2199.1+0j)], '_pz_transfer_function_type': 'LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECOND)', '_zeros': [0j, 0j], 'decimation_correction': None, 'decimation_delay': None, 'decimation_factor': None, 'decimation_input_sample_rate': None, 'decimation_offset': None, 'description': None, 'input_units': 'M/S', 'input_units_description': 'Velocity in Meters per Second', 'name': None, 'normalization_factor': 911329000000.0, 'output_units': 'V', 'output_units_description': 'Volts', 'resource_id': None, 'resource_id2': None, 'stage_gain': 2000.0, 'stage_gain_frequency': 5.0, 'stage_sequence_number': 1}
Beberapa key
perlu kita sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan simulate
respon_instrumen_paz['poles'] = respon_instrumen_paz['_poles']
respon_instrumen_paz['zeros'] = respon_instrumen_paz['_zeros']
respon_instrumen_paz['gain'] = respon_instrumen_paz['normalization_factor']
respon_instrumen_paz['sensitivity'] = respon_instrumen.instrument_sensitivity.value #overall sensitivity
{'_normalization_frequency': 5.0, '_poles': [(-4.4422+4.4422j), (-4.4422-4.4422j), (-391.96+850.69j), (-391.96-850.69j), (-471.24+0j), (-2199.1+0j)], '_pz_transfer_function_type': 'LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECOND)', '_zeros': [0j, 0j], 'decimation_correction': None, 'decimation_delay': None, 'decimation_factor': None, 'decimation_input_sample_rate': None, 'decimation_offset': None, 'description': None, 'gain': 911329000000.0, 'input_units': 'M/S', 'input_units_description': 'Velocity in Meters per Second', 'name': None, 'normalization_factor': 911329000000.0, 'output_units': 'V', 'output_units_description': 'Volts', 'poles': [(-4.4422+4.4422j), (-4.4422-4.4422j), (-391.96+850.69j), (-391.96-850.69j), (-471.24+0j), (-2199.1+0j)], 'resource_id': None, 'resource_id2': None, 'sensitivity': 624981223.3355017, 'stage_gain': 2000.0, 'stage_gain_frequency': 5.0, 'stage_sequence_number': 1, 'zeros': [0j, 0j]}
Melakukan simulasi:
st_vel_cmg6t = st_vel.copy()
Plot rekaman getaran tanah sesungguhnya (velocity) dari akselerometer ASJR:
5 Latihan¶
5.1 Membaca data seismik stasiun BLJR¶
from obspy import read
3 Trace(s) in Stream: IA.BLJR.00.HNZ | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples IA.BLJR.00.HNN | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples IA.BLJR.00.HNE | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples
5.1 Membaca metadata stasiun BLJR¶
from obspy import read_inventory
meta = read_inventory("")
Inventory created at 2022-07-15T13:25:33.662082Z Sending institution: scxml import (ObsPy Inventory) Contains: Networks (1): IA Stations (1): IA.BLJR (REIS Bayah) Channels (3): IA.BLJR.00.HNZ, IA.BLJR.00.HNN, IA.BLJR.00.HNE
5.2 Melakukan koreksi instrumen untuk mendapatkan akselerasi¶
st_acc = st.copy()
st_acc.remove_response(#isikan disini)
3 Trace(s) in Stream: IA.BLJR.00.HNZ | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples IA.BLJR.00.HNN | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples IA.BLJR.00.HNE | 2021-03-21T05:56:43.000000Z - 2021-03-21T06:31:43.000000Z | 100.0 Hz, 210001 samples